"Management of Complications of Wrist Arthroplasty and Wrist Fusion." by Michael P. Gaspar, Patrick M Kane et al.

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This article has been peer reviewed. It is the authors' final version prior to publication in Hand Clinics, Volume 31, Issue 2, May 2015, Pages 277-292.

The published version is available at DOI: 10.1016/j.hcl.2015.01.004. Copyright © Elsevier Inc.


The human wrist joint is unique from functional and anatomic standpoints. Numerous articulations exist within the wrist that allow for many options for partial wrist fusion and arthroplasty. In cases of pancarpal disease, fusion or arthroplasty of the entire wrist joint can be performed. Because of the high functional demand of the wrist, many of these surgical options can fail, leading to devastating complications. This article addresses the types of fusions and arthroplasties available for the wrist and discusses the potential complications associated with each. Methods to prevent these complications are presented and those to treat them once they have occurred are discussed.

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