Dr. Czarnecki was both the first woman to matriculate to and the first woman to graduate from Jefferson Medical College. She first learned that Jefferson was accepting women students from a newspaper notice while still at Temple University. After graduating Alpha Omega Alpha she continued her training in family medicine at Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia. She then went on to form a family practice with her husband in Port Richmond. Upon leaving private practice in the early 1990’s Dr. Czarnecki became the Senior Medical Director at Prudential Healthcare and later the Patient Management Medical Director for Aetna’s Northeast Region.
Over the years Dr. Czarnecki has remained very involved with Jefferson. She has served as Chairperson of the Alumni Trustee Committee, the Career Day Committee, and the Women’s Forum Committee. In 1989 she became the first woman to serve as President of the Jefferson Medical College Alumni Association, and in 2003 she joined the University Board of Trustees as an Alumni Trustee. She has also been the reunion chairman for the class of 1965 since 1970. Dr. Czarnecki has been retired since 2008 and spends her time divided between Florida and New Jersey.
Publication Date
Jefferson Medical College, alumni, women, oral histories, medicine, family medicine, Nazareth Hospital
History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Oral History
Restrictions on Use
Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce these oral histories must be obtained in writing from the Thomas Jefferson University Archives and Special Collections. No use (beyond limited quotation) should be made of the transcripts of these interviews without authorization.
Processing Information
Oral history was edited by Kelsey Duinkerken, June 2015
Interview was conducted by Kelsey Duinkerken with Dr. Nancy Czarnecki on June 1, 2015
Recommended Citation
Czarnecki, Nancy and Duinkerken, Kelsey, "Nancy Szwec Czarnecki" (2015). First Women at Jefferson Oral Histories. 12.
DISCLAIMER: These oral histories express the personal views, memories, and opinions of the interviewee. They do not represent the policy, views, or official history of Thomas Jefferson University.