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Currently no protocol exists for thromboprophylaxis (TPx) and screening in SCI patients at TJUH. As such, often patients are either not started on TPx or are started on an inappropriate regimen depending on admitting team preference. In addition, patients often receive an admission DUS then weekly thereafter as a screening mechanism for DVT even if asymptomatic.

Our goal is to determine the effectiveness of our current method for initiating pharmacological TPx as well as efficacy and cost of our current screening method compared to national guidelines by addressing these questions:

  • What is the occurrence of VTE in SCI patients at TJUH?
  • What screening tools are utilized (clinical exam, DUS)?
  • How often is recommended LMWH initiated? Does this vary with care team?
  • Is TPx initiated within 72h and, if not, why (ie, anticipated surgery, bleeding risk, intracranial hemorrhage)?
  • How often are SCI patients screened? How often are clinically insignificant DVTs diagnosed?
  • What are the costs associated with the current screening method at TJUH?

Publication Date



VTE, spinal corrd injury, guidelines


Medicine and Health Sciences | Neurology | Surgery


Presented at the 2018 House Staff Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Conference

Prevention and screening of VTE in SCI patients at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
