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Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) is a rare but potentially devastating cause of degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM). Decompressive surgery is the standard of care for OPLL and can be achieved through anterior, posterior, or combined approaches to the cervical spine. Surgical correction of OPLL via any approach is associated with higher rates of complications and the presence of OPLL is considered a significant risk factor for perioperative complications in DCM surgeries. Potential complications include dural tear (DT) and subsequent cerebrospinal fluid leak, C5 palsy, hematoma, hardware failure, surgical site infections, and other neurological deficits. Anterior approaches are technically more demanding and associated with higher rates of DT but offer greater access to ventral OPLL pathology. Posterior approaches are associated with lower rates of complications but may allow for continued disease progression. Therefore, the decision to pursue either an anterior or posterior approach to surgical decompression may be critically influenced by complications associated with each procedure. The authors critically review anterior and posterior approaches to surgical decompression of OPLL with particular focus on the complications associated with each approach. We also review the recent work in developing new surgical treatments for OPLL that aim to reduce complication incidence.
Recommended Citation
Head, Jeffery; Rymarczuk, George; Stricsek, Geoffrey; Velagapudi, Lohit; Maulucci, Christopher; Hoelscher, MD, Christian; and Harrop, James, "Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: Surgical Approaches and Associated Complications." (2019). Department of Neurosurgery Faculty Papers. Paper 110.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
PubMed ID
This article has been peer-reviewed. It is the author's final published version in Neurospine, Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 517-529.
The published version is available at https://10.14245/ns.1938222.111. Copyright © Head