"Three common neuralgias. How to manage trigeminal occipital and posth" by Avi Ashkenazi and Morris Levin

Three common neuralgias. How to manage trigeminal occipital and postherpetic pain

Document Type


Publication Date

September 2004


This article has been peer reviewed. It was published in Postgraduate Medicine 116(3): 16-32, 48, September 2004, and is freely available from the publisher's site at http://www.postgradmed.com/issues/2004/09_04/ashkenazi.htm.


The pain experienced by patients with trigeminal, occipital, or postherpetic neuralgia is often severe, chronic, and difficult to treat. In this article, the authors outline the pathologic mechanisms of pain in these common neuralgias and discuss individually tailored pharmacologic and surgical approaches to their treatment.

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