Increasing Screening Rates for Social Determinants of Health: An Improvement Project at Nemours PA Primary Care

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Social determinants of health (SDoH) are defined by the World Health Organization as the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age fundamental social and structural factors that affect people’s lives and influence their health, wellness, and longevity. Clinical care impacts only 20 % of health outcomes, while SDoH affect as much as 50 % of health outcomes.. A holistic vision incorporating SDoH can lead to a return on investment and improvement in the health of a community, at the same time decreasing health care costs for the population managed, as a basis for value-based care at Nemours. Screening for SDoH is a vital first step towards this process.

Improving screening rates for SDoH in Nemours primary care practices in Pennsylvania is the focus of this current project. The baseline screening rate in 2022 was 28% with a goal of 50% improvement to 42%. Using the Nemours screening tool, and PDSA cycles, the screening rate improved from 28% to 59% by September 2023, over a hundred percent improvement in screening rates. The organizational barriers were explored, specific issues identified, and problem solved. Recommendation to sustain the improvement and system thinking strategies are described.



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