Reducing Clostriduim Difficile Infections in Acute Care Hospital Patients by Joining a Statewide Collaboration Hospital Engagement Network

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MR Cooper, Jefferson College of Population Health, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA.


The purpose of this collaborative is to decrease hospital acquired Clostridium difficile infections in hospital patients. According to the Centers of Diseases and Control. Clostridium difficile infections are among the most serious healthcare complications and concerns in the United States. It emphasizes the need for better diagnostics, meticulous attention to infection prevention and improved methods to manage both antibiotics and the disease. Hospital acquired infections have been related to contaminated hospital environments, frequently used medical equipment and their surfaces. The hands and gloves of the healthcare worker can easily transmit many pathogenic and nonpathogenic organisms around the hospital environment and even pass these organisms to other patients within the hospital. Joining a statewide collaborative, allows best practices to be shared with evidence base solutions. A multi-discipline team approach is necessary to have a successful outcomes. In 2015, a suburban 231 bed acute care trauma hospital saw an increase in hospital acquired clostridium difficile infections in hospitalized patients. Utilizing Infection Prevention Champions for monthly data collection, institute an approved disinfection cleaning agent and incorporating UV-light technology helped in the overall reduction of Clostridium difficile hospital rate. In conclusion, the Clostridium difficile rate was reduced by half when compared to the previous year of 2015. This team approach continues to play a part in the consistent reduction of hospital acquired Clostridium difficile infections in this acute care hospital.

Presentation: 42:11

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