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Capstone Chair: Rickie Brawer, PhD, MPH


The purpose of the project was to design a program that mitigates food desert issues, and to develop language that will be utilized to apply for multiple grant funding opportunities. The mission of the proposed UFEEd Program is to increase nutritional self-reliance at the individual and community level and provide access to affordable, healthy foods in food desert communities through an educational initiative that aims to establish a local, community-based, sustainable food system. The program will address these aims by teaching low-tech, season-extension cultivation techniques, nutrition and cooking skills, and business management methods. Five appropriate grants were identified and their requests for proposal were scrutinized to identify overlapping emergent themes as well as distinctions that set some apart from others. Interviews were held with experts to inform certain aspects of the program and strengthen the methods and evaluation sections of the grant proposal. Boilerplate language was developed to satisfy the requirements of all funders’ requests. Many short versions of various sections of the proposal were drafted to create a customizable finished product that can be continually utilized in future attempts to secure funds.

Presentation: 24 minutes
