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In the United States, approximately 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer over the course of their lifetime. It is a major public health issue being the second leading cause of cancer related deaths among women. The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) has recommended guidelines regarding regular mammogram screenings. Newcomers, a term encompassing immigrants and refugees to the United States, have higher rates of breast cancer mortality and lower adherence to the USPSTF recommendations than those born in the United States. Barriers to screening utilization range from logistical factors such as transportation, costs and insurance, and appointment scheduling to cultural and religious beliefs. This rapid review aimed to determine whether tailored interventions to navigate barriers to screenings among newcomer populations were effective at promoting mammogram utilization. After a two-database search 512 articles were retrieved and ten were selected for final review. The primary outcome, mammogram receipt, was extracted from the studies selected. Results from this review indicate that overall, the tailored interventions increased mammogram utilization. The studies identified that interventions tailored to cultural and religious beliefs were more effective if they also addressed logistical barriers. A primary logistical barrier addressed was lack of insurance, which was resolved by offering free or low-cost mammograms to participants. Further work on this topic should address how these interventions work for other populations who face similar barriers, and how policies surrounding insurance for newcomers can be improved if cancer is diagnosed and treatment is necessary.


