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Presentation: 5:14

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Millions of adults in the United States who remain unvaccinated against preventable disease face barriers to accessing services designed to provide routine immunization, and instead utilize emergency departments (ED) for primary care. Although the ED represents an important source of primary care for vulnerable populations, limited information regarding availability of protocols for ED administered routine vaccinations. In the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic wherein rapid adoption of ED vaccination protocols was necessary, a systematic rapid review of the literature from two databases was conducted to determine what vaccination interventions had previously been implemented in an ED setting and the extent to which they increased vaccination and decreased vaccine hesitancy among their target population. Thirteen studies were eligible for full review, and results of these studies were qualitatively analyzed. All studies found that implementing their intervention resulted in an increase in vaccinations from baseline. Secondary outcomes indicated that vaccine screening and administration did not substantially increase time spent on patient care. Components of interventions implemented in the studies addressed four key barriers to vaccine accessibility: attitudinal, structural/process, financial, and language. Findings of this review suggest that the ED may be an ideal venue in which to implement routine vaccination protocols and address a health disparity of vulnerable populations that rely on the ED for care remaining unvaccinated. Current vaccination protocols can incorporate features of interventions reviewed to address barriers to vaccine access. Further research regarding the routine administration of vaccines in the ED is recommended

Glodjo, Talia Poster.pptx (857 kB)


