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The purpose of this study was to assess changes in knowledge regarding sexually transmitted diseases and attitudes of the hookup culture after a brief, online intervention amongst undergraduate students at Philadelphia University. The intervention was conducted over the course of four weeks, from January 23, 2017 to February 24, 2017. Prior to taking part in the intervention, students were asked to complete a pretest to evaluate baseline line knowledge and attitudes using the Sexually Transmitted Disease Knowledge Questionnaire and the Endorsement of the Hookup Culture Index, along with answer demographic questions regarding year in school and high risk behaviors. The post test stayed open for one additional week, with the project finishing on March 3, 2017. A total of 90 (n=90) students took part in both the pre and post test. Seventy-seven percent (76.7%, n=69) were female and 23.3% were male (n=21). The majority of students were either sophomore (35.6%; n=32) or juniors (42.2%; n=38). From baseline to endpoint, mean scores for sexually transmitted disease knowledge did significantly increase from baseline to endpoint by 6.49%, and there were no statistically significant changes in knowledge from baseline to endpoint. The intervention has potential to be used for future studies with the student health center to ensure students have access to health education and change behaviors.
Presentation: 19:09
Recommended Citation
Lewallen, Liz, "Assessing STD Knowledge and Attitudes of Campus Hookup Culture at Philadelphia University" (2017). Master of Public Health Capstone Presentations. Presentation 216.
Amy Leader, Jefferson College of Population Health, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA