Assessment of the Utilization and Satisfaction of Educational Material in the Postpartum Weight Management Study

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Advisor: M Romney, Thomas Jefferson University, School of Population Health, Philadelphia, PA


Maternal obesity is a pervasive public health problem. The Postpartum Weight Management Study (PPWM Study) exemplifies a community-based participatory research study, bringing together Maternity Care Coalition (MCC) staff and researchers from the University of Pennsylvania. The project employs randomized control methodology to evaluate a low-cost, multi-component intervention consisting of motivational text messages, in-home physical activity aids, social support, and education delivered during a “6-week challenge” designed for weight loss. Printed educational materials containing nutrition and exercise information are administered and explained to the intervention group. This Capstone Project involves the assessment of the utility and satisfaction of the PPWM educational materials provided to the Study’s intervention cohort. The objectives of the educational material assessment are to determine participants’ utilization of, satisfaction with, and format preference for the educational materials provided as part of the PPWM intervention and to provide recommendations to the PPWM Study researchers on refining effective educational materials in the future based upon evaluation. Telephone interviews were conducted with thirty English-speaking mothers participating in the intervention cohort. Both quantitative and qualitative questions were asked to assess three main domains—participants’ utilization, satisfaction, and format preference. The analyzed data revealed that the majority of the PPWM Study participants were satisfied with and read the educational materials daily. They preferred the materials with the most illustrations and wanted both paper and electronic formats in the future. Recommendations to incorporate educational materials with more explanatory illustrations were made to the PPWM Study research team.

Presentation: 25 minutes
