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- Clinical manifestations of choledocholithiasis include biliary colic, obstructive jaundice, pancreatitis, and acute cholangitis
- Secondary common bile duct (CBD) stones are common when the gallbladder is intact or after recent cholecystectomy (CCY) whereas recurrent stones develop >3 years after surgery1,2
- Patients with retained CBD stones after CCY may be asymptomatic for years and there is limited data on their pattern of presentation
- Despite known predisposing conditions and risk factors for recurrent biliary disease, the role of intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) during CCY remains controversial
Poster presented at: World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG 2017 in Orlando Florida, United States.
Publication Date
Symptomatic Choledocholithiasis After Cholecystectomy, Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University
Medicine and Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
Spataro, Joseph; Tolaymat, Mazen; Kistler, Charles; Jacobs, Michael; Fitch, Jeffrey; and Ahmed, Monjur, "Symptomatic Choledocholithiasis After Cholecystectomy" (2017). Department of Medicine Posters. 9.