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Transfers are high-risk. Intra-hospital transfer processes research has improved protocols used nationally.1 Outside-hospital admissions remain without standards ensuring the transfer of the right information to the right clinician at the right time; presently, patients can arrive at a new hospital with limited-to-no information.2We trialed a novel process for outside (hospital, provider, or skilled nursing facility) admissions to a single academic medical center’s resident and- hospital-medicine-attending-based (“teaching”) medicine services.
Publication Date
quality improvement, process improvement, outside transfer, patient safety
Internal Medicine | Medicine and Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
Kubey, MD, Alan A. and Riggio, MD, Jeffrey M., "Trust the Process: A Templated, Centralized, and Protocolized Patient Safety Pilot Project to Improve Outside Admissions" (2019). Department of Medicine Posters. 15.
Presented at the 2019 ACP Annual Conference in Philadelphia