Keynote Address: Follow-on Biologics: Getting Past the Exclusivity Debate

Mike Mccaughan Presentation.pdf (1552 kB)
PowerPoint slides: Michael McCaughan

Start Date

4-21-2009 8:45 AM

End Date

4-21-2009 9:30 AM


Michael McCaughan is Editor-in-Chief of FDC-Windhover’s Biopharma Group, the leading publisher of news and information services for the pharmaceutical industry, including The Pink Sheet, IN VIVO, The RPM Report, PharmAsia News, and The IN VIVO Blog. McCaughan speaks frequently on regulatory and policy developments affecting the biopharmaceutical industry. McCaughan joined "The Pink Sheet" in 1990 as a business reporter. He became Assistant Managing Editor in 1993, Managing Editor in 1995 and Editor-In-Chief in 1996. He oversees an editorial staff of 35, and helped launch affiliated publications and on-line services, including Pharmaceutical Approvals Monthly,, “The Pink Sheet” On The Web, “The Pink Sheet” DAILY and The RPM Report. McCaughan is a summa cum laude graduate of Yale University.


Apr 21st, 8:45 AM Apr 21st, 9:30 AM

Keynote Address: Follow-on Biologics: Getting Past the Exclusivity Debate

Michael McCaughan is Editor-in-Chief of FDC-Windhover’s Biopharma Group, the leading publisher of news and information services for the pharmaceutical industry, including The Pink Sheet, IN VIVO, The RPM Report, PharmAsia News, and The IN VIVO Blog. McCaughan speaks frequently on regulatory and policy developments affecting the biopharmaceutical industry. McCaughan joined "The Pink Sheet" in 1990 as a business reporter. He became Assistant Managing Editor in 1993, Managing Editor in 1995 and Editor-In-Chief in 1996. He oversees an editorial staff of 35, and helped launch affiliated publications and on-line services, including Pharmaceutical Approvals Monthly,, “The Pink Sheet” On The Web, “The Pink Sheet” DAILY and The RPM Report. McCaughan is a summa cum laude graduate of Yale University.