Volume 21, Issue 1 (2007)
Clozapine, Fluoxetine, and Benztropine- associated Ileus: Case Report
Pegah Pajouhi M.D. (PGY1) and James A. Bourgeois O.D., M.D.
Autocastration and Autoamputation of the Penis in a Patient with Delusions of Sexual Guilt
Craig B. Franke M.D. (PGY4) and James A. Rush M.D. (PGY3)
A Major Event of Self-mutilation in a Patient with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Joel P. Johnson M.D. (PGY4); Steven Sugden M.D.; and James A. Bourgeois O.D., M.D.
Dissociative-like Spells in a Child With Neurofibromatosis (type 1)
Gregory M. Singleton M.D. (PGY2), Ann M. Lagges Ph.D., and Karen G. Meighen M.D.
Diphenhydramine-dependence Resulting From Self-medication of Antipsychotic- induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms
Faisal S. Shaikh M.B.B.S. and Ann M. Mortimer M.D.
Evidence-B(i)ased Medicine: Limitations and Non-Superstition-Based Alternatives
Joshua S. Green M.D., Ph.D. (PGY4)