Training A Workforce for Interprofessional Team Care: The Effectiveness of an Online Course for the National PACE Network

Start Date

5-19-2012 10:00 AM

End Date

5-19-2012 10:15 AM


Interprofessional teams are considered essential to health care programs caring for older adults with complex medical and psycho-social needs. For the past five years, RushUniversityMedicalCenterhas offered an online interprofessional training course in partnership with the National PACE Association’s network of 76 PACE Programs. The “Interdisciplinary Teams in PACE” course has enrolled over 400 professionals representing over half of the PACE Programs in the country. This session will present the key components of the course which address the principles and skills needed for interprofessional team work, examine how course participants have found the content, training tools and exercises helpful to their specific roles and accountabilities at their respective PACE sites, present evidence of the impact the course has had on team performance at selected PACE Programs, and discuss how the course can be a model for interprofessional education tailored to the specific training needs of other geriatric and health care organizations. The potential benefit and opportunity afforded by offering online courses and programs for health care organizations interested in adopting best practice models such as the Medical Home and other team driven initiatives will also be considered.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will:

  1. 1. Learn how to develop an online team training curriculum to the interprofessional needs of a specific geriatric care setting.
  2. 2. Discuss how an online team training course can facilitate educational exchanges and enrich learning experiences across a national geriatric care network
  3. 3. Learn how an online interprofessional training course can improve team performance

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May 19th, 10:00 AM May 19th, 10:15 AM

Training A Workforce for Interprofessional Team Care: The Effectiveness of an Online Course for the National PACE Network

Interprofessional teams are considered essential to health care programs caring for older adults with complex medical and psycho-social needs. For the past five years, RushUniversityMedicalCenterhas offered an online interprofessional training course in partnership with the National PACE Association’s network of 76 PACE Programs. The “Interdisciplinary Teams in PACE” course has enrolled over 400 professionals representing over half of the PACE Programs in the country. This session will present the key components of the course which address the principles and skills needed for interprofessional team work, examine how course participants have found the content, training tools and exercises helpful to their specific roles and accountabilities at their respective PACE sites, present evidence of the impact the course has had on team performance at selected PACE Programs, and discuss how the course can be a model for interprofessional education tailored to the specific training needs of other geriatric and health care organizations. The potential benefit and opportunity afforded by offering online courses and programs for health care organizations interested in adopting best practice models such as the Medical Home and other team driven initiatives will also be considered.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will:

  1. 1. Learn how to develop an online team training curriculum to the interprofessional needs of a specific geriatric care setting.
  2. 2. Discuss how an online team training course can facilitate educational exchanges and enrich learning experiences across a national geriatric care network
  3. 3. Learn how an online interprofessional training course can improve team performance