Development of Professional Roles Questionnaire

Start Date

5-19-2012 10:15 AM

End Date

5-19-2012 10:30 AM


The purpose of this project is to assess students’ knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the various health professionals over time, from entering the IPE program to the end of the program. Various studies have reported student perceptions of changes in their knowledge of professional roles and responsibilities; however, no studies have been found which assess actual knowledge change and to our knowledge, no assessment tool is available for this purpose.

We developed a case-based questionnaire, the Professional Roles Questionnaire (PRQ), which could be used in assessing student change in knowledge of professional roles and responsibilities. In the development process we requested a selected sample of experienced clinicians and academic faculty from each of the professions participating in the study to respond two patient cases with questions regarding professions who would be most likely to implement the tasks or interventions needed. They completed the questionnaire and provided their written comments on their interpretation and any confusion the questions posed. Then the PRQ was pilot tested with students at the end of their first IPE course. A student focus group was solicited concerning their ability to understand the questions, the format, and the time involved. The PRQ was revised and administered this fall at the beginning and end of the first IPE course using a pre-post-experimental design. Preliminary data analysis reveals a ceiling effect. When those items which achieved 90% or higher on the post-questionnaire were removed, the percentage of change in the pre- post-date showed a larger and likely significant differentiation.

This study could assist in informing IPE programs regarding developing and understanding of professional roles. Continued work is needed to improve the sensitivity of the instrument to understand the acceptable overlap among health professionals’ work.

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the development of the Professional Roles Questionnaire, an evaluation instrument related to IPE competency of understanding the roles and responsibilities of different health professionals.

2. Discuss the preliminary results of a study using the Professional Roles Questionnaire.

3. Discuss future applications of the Professional Roles Questionnaire.

This document is currently not available here.


May 19th, 10:15 AM May 19th, 10:30 AM

Development of Professional Roles Questionnaire

The purpose of this project is to assess students’ knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the various health professionals over time, from entering the IPE program to the end of the program. Various studies have reported student perceptions of changes in their knowledge of professional roles and responsibilities; however, no studies have been found which assess actual knowledge change and to our knowledge, no assessment tool is available for this purpose.

We developed a case-based questionnaire, the Professional Roles Questionnaire (PRQ), which could be used in assessing student change in knowledge of professional roles and responsibilities. In the development process we requested a selected sample of experienced clinicians and academic faculty from each of the professions participating in the study to respond two patient cases with questions regarding professions who would be most likely to implement the tasks or interventions needed. They completed the questionnaire and provided their written comments on their interpretation and any confusion the questions posed. Then the PRQ was pilot tested with students at the end of their first IPE course. A student focus group was solicited concerning their ability to understand the questions, the format, and the time involved. The PRQ was revised and administered this fall at the beginning and end of the first IPE course using a pre-post-experimental design. Preliminary data analysis reveals a ceiling effect. When those items which achieved 90% or higher on the post-questionnaire were removed, the percentage of change in the pre- post-date showed a larger and likely significant differentiation.

This study could assist in informing IPE programs regarding developing and understanding of professional roles. Continued work is needed to improve the sensitivity of the instrument to understand the acceptable overlap among health professionals’ work.

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the development of the Professional Roles Questionnaire, an evaluation instrument related to IPE competency of understanding the roles and responsibilities of different health professionals.

2. Discuss the preliminary results of a study using the Professional Roles Questionnaire.

3. Discuss future applications of the Professional Roles Questionnaire.