"Women in Higher Education - Primary Source Set" by Freddy Enrique Moran

Document Type

Teaching Material

Publication Date

Fall 2021




  • Compare the impact of historical documents, artifacts, and places in Pennsylvania which are critical to U.S. history.


  • Compare and contrast how continuity and change in Pennsylvania are interrelated throughout U.S. history.


  • Evaluate how continuity and change have impacted the world today


  • Compare the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development of the U.S.


  • Evaluate patterns of continuity and rates of change over time, applying context of events.


Higher education in America prior to the 19th century looked a specific way, white and male, and while there have been many advancements in medicine, and teaching medicine, since then. An equally impressive jump forward socially for education happened during these time periods. Education as a whole saw drastic changes between the 19th and 20th century with the increasing enrollment of women in higher education. The evolution of higher education between 1870 and 1930 saw drastic changes to women enrollment within universities, going from 5% to 14% female enrollment at a higher professional degree seeking university. Even with the increased enrollment, not all universities reflected this practices of accepting female enrollment (Parker, 2015).

Even with this large increase in enrollment between this time, not every higher education institution would accommodate women on campus. The 60s marked a momentous time for one university in particular, Thomas Jefferson University, as this decade saw the first graduating class with women. Universities like Thomas Jefferson Medical school would not have its first graduating class with women in it until, 1965 (Czarnecki & Duinkerken, 2015). The sixties started the tangible swing to a more diverse higher education experience.

Grade Level: Secondary

Purpose: This set will give students a tangible lens with which to compare and contrast history through, by supplying students with visual aids and classroom insight, that is aided in part by photos of residents and fellows over the course of decades. Students will be exploring inclusion as it happened through the decades at Jefferson University with the aid of inference. Students will also be engaging with textual examples of what a classroom was like both in the demographic sense and the way it was ran. Students will get the opportunity to listen to an oral history from the perspective of one of the first women to graduate from Thomas Jefferson University. Exploring what it was like being a pioneer in women’s higher education.


