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This article is the author’s final published version in Cogent Psychology, Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2022, Article number 2038936.

The published version is available at Copyright © Granberg et al.

Publication made possible in part by support from the Jefferson Open Access Fund


Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective treatment in adults. However, access to care is limited. One potential solution is telemedicine. Though synchronous video-based telemedicine CBT-I has been shown to be non-inferior to in-person treatment, there is no study to date that evaluates patient and provider experiences with video-based treatment. Our study team evaluated patient and provider perceptions of CBT-I delivered via telemedicine versus an in-person format. As part of a larger randomized control trial, we interviewed patients and providers in both arms of the study (in-person and via telemedicine). 20 minute interviews were conducted over the phone and were transcribed and coded to identify themes. While patients shared initial concerns about telemedicine CBT-I, including privacy and technological issues, they were satisfied with the approach and had similar experiences as the patients receiving in-person treatment. Providers shared concerns about challenges establishing a strong therapeutic alliance, patient engagement, and accountability in CBT-I, but felt these did not interfere with their overall ability to deliver care. Patients and providers were satisfied with CBT-I treatment delivered via telemedicine when compared to those being treated in-person. Patients in both arms noted that virtual care could increase access and provide convenience.

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