The Thomas Jefferson Medicine Forum (TJM) is an annual publication of scholarly works produced by Thomas Jefferson Internal Medicine residents. TJM includes a wide variety of case presentations, individual research pursuits, reviews, and images reflecting important disease processes. The editors of TJM are exclusively Jefferson IM residents. The TJM gives our residents both publishing and editing experience that is invaluable and translatable to careers long after residency. Volume: Volume 25 (2024)
Full Issue
From the Desk of the Residency Program Director
Christopher Henry, MD, FACP
Foreword from Faculty Advisor
Dagan Coppock, MD, MSCE
From the Editors
Amman Bhasin, MD; Suraj Nyalakonda, MD; Chukwuemezie Kamanu, MD; and Alexandros Grivas, MD
From the Chief Residents
Michael Dong, MD; Chantel Venkataraman, MD; Tamar Wolinsky MD; and Benjamin Claxton, MD
Case Reports
Dissecting the Literature: A Systematic Review of Conservative Therapy Versus Revascularization in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
Avinash Saraiya, MS and Brian Schonewald, MD
LAAO Device Mass: A Classic Condition Involving a Not - So - Classic Device
Ryan Gardner, MD; Rabia Naheed, MD; Youssef Elfatatry, MD; Irfan Ahsan, MD; and Alyson N. Owen, MD
Investigating the Etiology of Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy; A Case Report of Cardiac Amyloidosis
Zachary Pang, MD; Joshua M. Riley, MD; and Yair Lev, MD
A Rare Case of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Esophageal Candidiasis in Severe Achalasia
Nevin Varghese, MD; Bertilia Tavárez, MD; and Justin Robbins, MD
A Case Report of Acute Idiopathic Hepatitis Requiring Liver Transplant
Nathan Rim; Nevin Varghese, MD; and Zachary Pang, MD
Statin-Induced Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy: A Case Report
Eric M. Teichner, MS and Arjun B. Ashok, MS
Minocycline-Induced Hyperpigmentation in a Patient with Multiple Causes of Skin Discoloration
Jeffrey White, MD; Amman Bhasin, MD; and Gregary Marhefka, MD
Primary Care Provider Awareness and Attitudes Regarding Updated BRCA1/2 Screening Recommendations and Genetic Testing
Emily Foecke Munden, MS; Maria Poluch, MS; Jennifer S. Zeiger, MS; Maya Rosenberg, MD; and Swati Shroff, MD
Case Study: Diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in a Middle-Aged Patient with a History of Aplastic Anemia
Umma Fatemam MD and Marc Yorker, MD
When Obstruction Meets Infection: A Case of Multi- Drug Resistant (MDR) E. Coli Community Acquired Pneumonia in a Patient with Metastatic Melanoma
Victor Diaz, MS and David Saeed, MS
Nodular AL Amyloidosis — An Unusual Etiology of a Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Benjamin B. Claxton, MD, MPH; Shruti Nanivadekar, MD; Stacey Gargano, MD; and Prarthna C. Kulandaisamy, MD
A Case of Reactivation Tuberculosis
Edwin Perez, MD; Avish Patel, MD; Taha Awan, MD; Amman Bhasin, MD; and Gautam George, MD
A Curious Case of ARDS
Normonique Dyer, DO
Clinical Images
Wellens' Syndrome on Electrocardiogram, A Highly Specific Indicator of Critical Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery
Youssef Elfatatry, MD and Ryan Gardner, MD
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Illustrated on a Transthoracic Echocardiogram and Cardiac MRI
Youssef Elfatatry, MD and Marina Gonzalez, MD
Bicuspid Aortic Valve with Right Coronary Cusp and Noncoronary Cusp Fusion on Transesophageal Echocardiogram
Kashka Mallari, MD
Looking For the Unseen: Application of Wood’s Lamp in the Ambulatory Clinic
Alexandros Grivas, MD and John Caruso, MD
Renal Cell Carcinoma Manifesting as a Tumor Thrombus Identified on Transthoracic Echocardiography & CT Scan
Kashka Mallari, MD
Humanities & Reflections
Cadaver Dissection — A Reminder of Humanity
Samuel De Matte, MS
Quantum of Solace
Jeffrey White, MD
Shadows and Echoes of Understanding: A Physician's Reflection on Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Medicine
Michael Dong, MD; Tamar Wolinsky MD; Benjamin Claxton, MD, MPH; and Chantel Venkataraman, MD
Musings of a House Staff Officer on the Wards
Suraj R. Nyalakonda, MD
Why Medicine Needs the Humanities: An Argument for Arguments
Suraj R. Nyalakonda, MD