

The latest edition of The Medicine Forum celebrates our community’s efforts toward scholarly inquiry and creativity. Our current editors have approached this project with a true passion. Throughout the academic year, it has been my pleasure to work with Amman, Suraj, Mez, and Alex, not only on this project, but also on the medical wards. They have applied the same thoughtfulness and joy to editing this journal that they do to the care of patients. I am in awe of their efforts.

As a department, we are a productive group of writers, thinkers, scientists, and artists. So much of our productivity is sent out into the larger community, academic or otherwise, and then keeps us connected with a larger world. To my mind, what makes The Medicine Forum special is that it serves as an outlet that reminds us to stay connected to our local community. There is something powerful about opening a journal and seeing names that belong to many faces we pass in the Jefferson Hall every day.

For The Medicine Forum, we owe our gratitude to a number of people who have helped bring this issue to fruition. We thank the Department of Medicine leadership for their guidance and support. We want to thank all of the residents, students, and faculty who submitted their work. The diversity and quality of their work speaks to the talents of our community. We express our gratitude to Tim Flanagan for his design and editorial support. Finally, we thank the readers of this journal for turning the page and becoming a participant in this community.
