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Chronic and age-related disease in the United States and across the globe are predicted to be increasingly prevalent as more people in the population live longer. One such condition, dementia, is estimated affect 13.8 million people by the year 2005. The pathologies and pharmacotherapies of this disease, however, are still not well understood or developed. Non-pharmacotherapies, such as person-centered care, can be an effective method in addressing dementia patient needs. Previous studies have looked into how person-centered care training for formal caregivers (physicians, nurses, etc.) can improve patient outcomes. In this rapid review, we will evaluate the literature investigating the efficacy of the lesser studied person-centered care training given to informal/family caregivers of dementia patients. One reviewer screened 584 titles and abstracts from Pubmed and Scopus. After excluding publications that did not meet criteria, such as not stratifying results by informal or formal caregiver, we reviewed a total of 5 papers. Papers reviewed featured only one online-based training program and four in-person/telephone programs. All training programs used in the studies were previously existing programs being used in the field. Caregiver findings included increased self-efficacy, improved response to aggression, an increase in dementia care knowledge, and overall approval of the intervention mode. Care recipient findings included small reductions in behavioral issues, some improvements in functional dependence, and decreases in pain. These findings, however, were mostly only significant in early follow-up surveys and were not maintained at the end of the study. Additionally, outcomes were frequently contingent upon the person-centered care strategy of environment modification. This rapid review, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to look at studies that evaluate person-centered care training given to informal caregivers of dementia patients, and may have implications regarding how we prepare to support informal caregivers in the future.


