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An Early Warning Score (EWS) is a risk-management tool to identify patients experiencing clinical deterioration early, therefore allowing timely treatment to occur. Although EWS scores are recommended for all in-patients, more data is available for patients under general medical services compared to surgical services. This study aims to understand differences between medical versus surgical in-patients who receive a red alert from the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) at Jefferson hospital. Patients who received a red MEWS alert during admission and discharged between June 2017 to March 2018 (N=812) were categorized as medical or surgical patients. Patient characteristics were compared using an independent samples t-test (age, alert count) or chi-square test (sex, race, admission source, insurance). Patient outcomes were compared using a binary logistic regression (in-hospital mortality, RRT, sepsis diagnosis, ICU transfer, intubation, discharge to hospice) or a Cox regression model (length of stay), controlling for age, sex, and race. Compared to medical patients, surgical patients were younger by 2.7 years (p=0.026) and more likely to have a Commercial and/or Medicare category of insurance (OR=1.568, p=0.005). Surgical patients were more likely to have ICU transfer (OR=1.487, p=0.013) and intubation post-alert (OR=2.470, p=0.006), while less likely to be discharged early (HR=0.675, p


