NICHD Global Network for Women's & Children's Health Research: 15 year celebration

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Presentation: 38:18

Presentation outline:

  • Why Global Health?
  • Maternal Mortality and Why do Women Die?
  • Obesity Trends

Presentation given to open Scott Memorial Library exhibition:

Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health

Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health is a banner traveling exhibition from the National Library of Medicine highlighting the role of communities in improving health at home and all around the world. The exhibition, exploring the shared basic needs required for a good quality of life, including nutritious food and clean water, a safe place to live, and affordable health care, will be on view in the 2nd floor gallery area of Scott Memorial Library from February 13th until March 25th.

About the Exhibition:

Using historical and contemporary photographs, the banners tell stories of collaboration between families, scientists, advocates, governments, and international organizations, all taking up the challenge to prevent disease and improve medical care. The journey begins in Pholela, South Africa, where husband and wife team Sidney and Emily Kark developed a holistic approach to community health. Traveling on, the exhibition showcases the work of the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee to teach mothers across the country Oral Rehydration Therapy, a lifesaving treatment for childhood diarrhea.

Other destinations include Brazil, where the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem (MST), or Landless Workers’ Movement is empowering poor citizens to begin subsistence farming on land left idle by agricultural corporations, and Central America, where the Pan American Health Organization launched Health as a Bridge to Peace to put an end to conflict and rebuild health care services.

As well as recent developments, the exhibition also focuses on historic campaigns that have changed today’s attitudes. The role of activists in the United States during the early years of the AIDS epidemic, for example, includes the work of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) and the battles of Ryan White, the teenager who fought to attend school after contracting HIV through a blood transfusion.

This exhibition raises awareness of the sources and effects of health inequalities and invites each of us to join the global campaign for health and human rights. The experiences described here constitute a legacy of success, often based on the simplest means. Working together, we can make a world of difference.

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