Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 1994
Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLIII, Number 4, Summer 1994
The social transformation of practice, page 8
How medicine is taught differently now, page 8
The only constant is change, page 8
Medicine is being challenged and physicians must respond, page 8
Vascular Ectasias of the colon, page 9
Jefferson and AIDS care in Uganda, page 10
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy at Pennsylvania hospital, page 10
Nintendo comes to medicine: 3-D MRI of congenital heart disease, page 11
Imaging of psychiatric conditions, page 12
Effects of space flight on human physiology: A Jefferson Study, page 12
Aesthetic considerations after trauma, page 13
Intracellular immunization approach shown to inhibit HIV Virus replication, page 14
Synthetic peptide inhibits incidence and severity of MS Symptoms, page 15
Evidence for gene on chromosome 18 that increases risk for manic depressive illness in some families, page 15
Test to detect prostate cancer in the blood is patented, page 16
New mutations in hepatitis B found, page 16
Hand center now largest in area, page 17
Gomella named to new professorship established by Bernard Godwin ’55, page 18
Moritz directs transplantation division, page 19
Books, page 21
Annual giving, page 27
Recommended Citation
"Jefferson Alumni Bulletin – Volume XLIII, Number 4, Summer 1994" (1994). The Bulletin (formerly the Jefferson Medical College Alumni Bulletin). Paper 229.
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