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This poster describes the development of and the psychometric properties of the trunk scale that measures the voluntary motor ability in the thoracic and upper lumbar regions. The function of the trunk musculature has far reaching implications, particularly in persons with SCI, where postural control and voluntary movement are compromised to varying degrees. Precisely coordinated muscle actions must occur in the appropriate sequence, duration, and combination for the optimal movement function and maintenance of balance and posture during dynamic activities. Trunk mobility is required for nearly all mobility tasks, particularly transitional movements such as rolling, supine to sit, and sit to stand, as well as activities of daily living which involve upper extremity movements such as reaching. The muscles innervated by the thoracic and lumbar spine play key roles in body positioning and posture which are very important in conducting functional activities such as ambulation, reaching and activities of daily living (ADL)1.

Poster presented at: ISCOS Annual Meeting in Dublin Ireland.

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All Limbs Lead to the Trunk, Rehabilitation Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University


Physical Therapy | Rehabilitation and Therapy

All Limbs Lead to the Trunk
