Start Date

5-3-2024 9:10 AM

End Date

5-3-2024 11:00 AM



- Advanced Care Planning (ACP) is a high-value intervention that significantly improves end-of-life (EOL) care.

- ACP includes discussion between the patient and a qualified healthcare provider in an appropriate healthcare setting aiming: o To recognize patient’s wishes at end-of-life situations.

  • To identify surrogates to act in the patient’s best wishes if they become unable to make such decisions.
  • ACPs provide comfort on patients and their families during stressful end-of-life situations and facilitates appropriate use of resources.
  • Absence of ACP leads to non-beneficial care, higher financial burden, and family distress.
  • Ideal locations to form and document ACP are outpatient clinics, where a low stress environment promotes these valuable but difficult discussions. •

TJUH tracks two types of ACP in the outpatient oncology offices

  • Any Advanced Care Planning: Defined as documentation of a Healthcare Agent, a scanned Power of Attorney (PoA) or Living Will or an ACP note in the ACP Epic activity
  • Comprehensive ACP: scanned PoA or Healthcare agent +ACP note or scanned living will

Problem Statement: Comprehensive ACPs are rarely performed or documented in outpatient oncology offices at Jefferson, despite the patient population having a high mortality rate. This leads to unclear goals of care, high financial burden and family distress during patient's hospitalizations.

Project AIM: To increase Comprehensive ACP documentation in outpatient oncology offices by 15% over the next three months by educating oncology patients about ACP on discharge


comprehensive advanced care planning, oncology


Presented at the 2024 Jefferson Health Equity and Quality Improvement (HEQI) Summit.

Included in

Oncology Commons


May 3rd, 9:10 AM May 3rd, 11:00 AM

Utilizing Inpatient Opportunities to Increase Comprehensive Advanced Care Planning in Oncology Patients


- Advanced Care Planning (ACP) is a high-value intervention that significantly improves end-of-life (EOL) care.

- ACP includes discussion between the patient and a qualified healthcare provider in an appropriate healthcare setting aiming: o To recognize patient’s wishes at end-of-life situations.

  • To identify surrogates to act in the patient’s best wishes if they become unable to make such decisions.
  • ACPs provide comfort on patients and their families during stressful end-of-life situations and facilitates appropriate use of resources.
  • Absence of ACP leads to non-beneficial care, higher financial burden, and family distress.
  • Ideal locations to form and document ACP are outpatient clinics, where a low stress environment promotes these valuable but difficult discussions. •

TJUH tracks two types of ACP in the outpatient oncology offices

  • Any Advanced Care Planning: Defined as documentation of a Healthcare Agent, a scanned Power of Attorney (PoA) or Living Will or an ACP note in the ACP Epic activity
  • Comprehensive ACP: scanned PoA or Healthcare agent +ACP note or scanned living will

Problem Statement: Comprehensive ACPs are rarely performed or documented in outpatient oncology offices at Jefferson, despite the patient population having a high mortality rate. This leads to unclear goals of care, high financial burden and family distress during patient's hospitalizations.

Project AIM: To increase Comprehensive ACP documentation in outpatient oncology offices by 15% over the next three months by educating oncology patients about ACP on discharge