In developing the Parenting for Emotional Growth Textbook, we planned to structure the units in such a way that the same issues, be it the development of self and relationships, of aggression, etc., would be addressed in the same sequence at the various stage levels of the child's development. Thus, in the Textbook, the issues will be ordered in the same sequence in all of the units.
While using the textbook for classroom or workshop preparation or for individual study, some users have sought to follow one or another particular line of development through the length of its evolving from infancy through adolescence. To facilitate this user's task, we formatted the textbook materials to accommodate this developmental view of the materials. We did this only for those lines that have been most focused on by Workshop leaders, teachers as well as parents.
Publication Date
Parenting, Education, Child Development, Psychodynamic Theories
Child Psychology | Developmental Psychology | Education
Recommended Citation
Parens, H.; Scattergood, E.; Duff, A.; Singletary, W. "Parenting for Emotional Growth: Lines of Development" (1995)