A manual of military surgery, by S.D. Gross, MD, 1861 | Rare Medical Books | Thomas Jefferson University

From the title page: A manual of military surgery; or, hints on the emergencies of field, camp and hospital practice. Illustrated with wood-cuts. By S.D. Gross, M.D. Professor of Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1861.

The Special Collections of Scott Memorial Library at Thomas Jefferson University owns two manuals of military field surgery, representing medical instruction for army surgeons of the North and South at the outset of the U.S. Civil War. The earlier work, by world-famous Jefferson physician Samuel D. Gross, was pirated (reprinted without permission) by a Richmond, VA, publisher in 1862. A later Confederate manual was compiled by contributors "unambitious of authorship."

The Confederate edition is also available in the Jefferson Digital Commons.

The 1861 edition is reproduced in two formats for the Jefferson Digital Commons. A large PDF file offers a faithful reproduction of the full volume. For greater ease of use, each chapter and plate grouping is also listed separately. The original copy held by the Special Collections in Scott Memorial Library is somewhat discolored; it has been digitized in greyscale for greatest legibility.


Submissions from 1861


A manual of military surgery Appendix


A manual of military surgery - Chapter I: Historical sketch of military surgery


A manual of military surgery - Chapter II: Importance of military surgery


A manual of military surgery - Chapter III: Qualifications and duties of military surgeons


A manual of military surgery - Chapter IV: Medical equipments, stores and hospitals


A manual of military surgery - Chapter IX: Diseases incident to troops


A manual of military surgery - Chapter VI: Amputations and resections


A manual of military surgery - Chapter VIII: Injuries of the head, chest, and abdomen


A manual of military surgery - Chapter VII: Ill consequences of wounds and operations


A manual of military surgery - Chapter V: Wounds and other injuries


A manual of military surgery - Chapter XI: Disqualifying diseases


A manual of military surgery - Chapter XII: Feigned diseases


A manual of military surgery - Chapter XIII: Medical, surgical, and dietetic formulae


A manual of military surgery - Chapter X: Military hygiene


A manual of military surgery - Cover, dedication, preface and table of contents


A manual of military surgery [full volume]