Start Date

4-16-2024 3:45 PM

End Date

4-16-2024 4:45 PM



Current diagnostic criteria and treatment options for bacterial vaginosis (BV) commonly result in the misdiagnosis and/or mistreatment of the active infection, as well as subsequent reinfection with BV. This project aims to design and validate a multiplex qPCR assay as a means to accurately detect and quantify populations of dysbiotic Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Megasphaera Type 1 & Type 2, Bacterial vaginosis-associated bacterium 2 (BVAB2), as well as the commensal Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus jensenii, and Lactobacillus gasseri in vaginal specimen for the accurate diagnosis of BV. As these bacterial species are generally unable to be independently cultured, this phase of study involves the production of positive control plasmids to confirm the identity and relative abundance of these target bacterial species in clinical samples.


Apr 16th, 3:45 PM Apr 16th, 4:45 PM

Design and Validation of a Multiplex qPCR Assay for the Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis


Current diagnostic criteria and treatment options for bacterial vaginosis (BV) commonly result in the misdiagnosis and/or mistreatment of the active infection, as well as subsequent reinfection with BV. This project aims to design and validate a multiplex qPCR assay as a means to accurately detect and quantify populations of dysbiotic Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Megasphaera Type 1 & Type 2, Bacterial vaginosis-associated bacterium 2 (BVAB2), as well as the commensal Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus jensenii, and Lactobacillus gasseri in vaginal specimen for the accurate diagnosis of BV. As these bacterial species are generally unable to be independently cultured, this phase of study involves the production of positive control plasmids to confirm the identity and relative abundance of these target bacterial species in clinical samples.