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“Engaging health professionals in health economics: a human capital informed approach for adults learning online”, The Journal of Economic Education, 46(1) 45-55, 2015. DOI:10.1080/00220485.2014.979305

Appendix is currently available at the bottom of the page.

Published online: 2/4/2015

MedEd Portal access


Appendix for article that has been accepted for Journal of Economic Education.

Abstract for article:

The authors describe a Wikipedia-based project designed for a graduate course introducing health economics to experienced healthcare professionals. The project allows such students to successfully write articles on niche topics in rapidly evolving health economics subspecialties. These students are given the opportunity to publish their completed projects in Wikipedia. Despite the lack of conventional classroom incentives, the authors have found that the students generally choose to enter their final projects intoWikipedia. The authors explore the motivators for this behavior from the perspective of human capital development and reflect on the implications for enhancing economics education. Finally, they comment more generally on the value of assignments within graduate education that allow adult students to determine their degree of effort and reward along the intensive margin.

Keywords: economics education, human capital, supplier-induced demand, Wikipedia

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Public Health Commons



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