On the anatomy of the breast, by Sir Astley Paston Cooper, 1840 | Rare Medical Books | Thomas Jefferson University

Sir Astley Paston Cooper, M.D., FRCS, Bart., (1768-1841) studied under the great anatomist, William Hunter, and was himself a master anatomist. He was was "one of the first surgical teachers to substitute practical demonstration upon an actual case for the old didactic theory-mongering of the past." (F. Garrison, History of Medicine, p.480.)

Published just before his death, On the Anatomy of the Breast demonstrates Cooper's mastery through outstanding illustrations. It "includes one of the earliest descriptions of hyperplastic cystic disease of the breast, which Cooper referred to as 'hydatid disease'." (Morton's Medical Bibliography, nos. 5769, 5769.1) The plates of volume two are described and identified in the last pages of volume one.

Cooper's 1840 edition is reproduced in two formats for the Jefferson Digital Commons. Two large PDF files offer a faithful reproduction of each full volume. For greater ease of use, each chapter and plate is also listed separately, and plate descriptions have been attached to the individual plates.


Volumes, Chapters, and Plates from 1840


Of the structure of the constituent parts of the breasts, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Explanation of the plates of the comparative anatomy of the mammary gland [title page], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Explanation of the plates of the female breast [title page], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Explanation of the plates of the male breast [title page], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Frontismatter, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Introduction, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the absorbent vessels, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the absorbent vessels, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the areola, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the arteries of the breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the arteries of the male breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the changes from age, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the development of the male breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the effects of gestation and lactation on the breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the evolution of the breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the fascia, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the fat, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the fat of the breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the internal parts of the breast, or mammary gland, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the mammary gland in the male, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the nerves of the breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the nerves of the male gland, areola and nipple, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the structure of the gland in the male, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the structure of the mammae in the male, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Of the veins of the breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - On lactation, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - On the anatomy of the breast, volume II [Plates], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - On the breasts, or mammae, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - On the comparative anatomy of the mammary gland, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate III: Shewing the udder of the ewe, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate III: This plate is intended to show the cutaneous structures of the breast, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate III: [Untitled], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate II: Showing first the size of the gland at different ages, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate II: The dug of the ass, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate II: [Untitled], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate I: Of the cow, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate I: The nipple in its changes, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate I: This plate is intended to show the external appearance of the nipple in the male at different ages, the internal appearance of the gland as covered by its fascia at different periods of life, the glands and the ducts of the male gland injected, and the gland and ducts of the foetus, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate IV: Ligaments suspensoria and sections, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate IV: Showing the udder of the goat and mammary gland of the rhinocerous, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate IX: Arteries and veins, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate IX: Of the mammary gland of the sow, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate V: Ducts, reservoirs, and glandules, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate VI: Ducts and glandules, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate VII: Ducts, glandules, and cells, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate VIII: Gland, blood-vessels, ducts and cells, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate VIII: Of the mammary gland of the bitch, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate VII: The Guinea pig and the cat, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate VI: Of the mammary gland in the rabbit, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate V: Mammary glands of the hare, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate X: Arteries and veins, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate XI: Absorbent vessels, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate XIII: [Untitled], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate XII: The nerves and blood-vessels of the breast (in a dried preparation), Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate XIV: [Untitled], Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Plate X: The mammary gland of the porpoise, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Secretion of milk in the male, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - Structure of the breast in the human female, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - The veins, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast - To the members of the medical profession, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.


On the anatomy of the breast, volume I, Sir Astley Paston Cooper , Bart.