


A 55-year-old male with a past medical history of ulcerative colitis diagnosed in 1999, Barrett’s esophagus, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus presented with a 2-week duration of daily constant abdominal pain. He described the pain as a sharp, epigastric pain not worsened with food intake or bowel movements. He was unable to tolerate any oral intake for a week prior to admission secondary to increased epigastric pain. He stated an increase in bowel movements to 1 per day that was softer and less formed than usual. He also stated he had a near syncopal episode on the day of admission and reported dizziness. The patient denied any bright red blood per rectum or having dark stools. He states he also had some fevers, chills, and a sore throat for 3 days duration. He had tried some Pepto Bismol without any improvement.
