Congratulations to the following faculty members on their recent promotion or advancement: Drs. Adam Berger (Professor), Kris Kaulback (Clinical Associate Professor), Francesco Palazzo (Chief of Surgery at Methodist Hospital, Vice Chair of Surgery at Jefferson), Jordan Winter (Associate Professor). Drs. Herbert Cohn and Gordon Schwartz were also granted emeritus professor status.
Gerald Isenberg, MD, FACS, has been elected Vice President of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons for a one-year term. He has also been named to the Residency Review Committee, appointed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
News from the Spring awards ceremony: Drs. Cataldo Doria, Walter Kraft, Francesco Palazzo, Ehyal Shweiki, and Jordan Winter received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Education. Dr. James Diehl received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Mentoring.
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Recommended Citation
"News in Brief,"
Jefferson Surgical Solutions: Vol. 9:
2, Article 9.
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David Ehrlich, MD, has joined the Division of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Ehrlich recently completed a fellowship in microvascular surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and specializes in breast reconstruction and microvascular surgery.
Hooman Noorchashm, MD, PhD, has joined the Divisions of Cardiothoracic Surgery and Surgical Research. Dr. Noorchashm is dual certified in general and thoracic surgery. He recently completed a fellowship in cardiothoracic surgery at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
David Rittenhouse, MD, (SKMC ’06) has joined the Division of Acute Care Surgery. Dr. Rittenhouse is a graduate of both the general surgery residency program and critical care surgery fellowship program at Jefferson. He will practice in Center City and at Jefferson’s trauma center at Paoli Hospital.