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Jefferson Surgical Solutions: Vol. 6:
1, Article 3.
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This issue of Surgical Solutions has a trio of military stories—focusing on Drs. Alec Beekley and Daniel Grabo, and our benefactors Briley and Janice Howell. These stories cohere nicely now, at a time when our country is advancing the principles of freedom in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and most recently Libya.
Jefferson Surgery has a proud tradition of service to our nation’s military. The son of George McClellan (founder of JMC and first Chair of Surgery), George Brinton McClellan was a Major General for the Union forces in the Civil War, organized the Army of the Potomac, and served as the generalin-chief for Abraham Lincoln. Samuel D. Gross served in a consultative role to the Union troops, and authored the Manual of Military Surgery to assist the Union surgeons in the management of battlefield injuries. (The Manual was soon plagiarized by the Confederacy in Richmond, and distributed to their medical corps as well, without crediting Gross!)
W.W. Keen served as a surgeon in the Civil War, rose to the rank of Major, and even as an emeritus Professor continued to serve the military in various roles. Keen penned numerous articles on military surgery, noting progress from the Civil War to the First World War. John Chalmers DaCosta, Keen’s successor as Chair and the first Samuel D. Gross Professor, served in the Navy in WWI, and rose to the rank of Commander. Many other Jefferson surgeons have served our country.
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Beekley to our Jefferson Surgery family– he is one of many American military heroes. Dr. Grabo will continue his service to our country after his fellowship training is completed. Mr. Howell (along with his wife Janice) has been a steadfast supporter of Jefferson in the years following his distinguished 27-year Army career. We are proud to share their stories.