Recommended Citation
"On the Job-Katie Ashburn, CRNP, and Shawn Pierce, CNRP,"
Jefferson Surgical Solutions: Vol. 5:
1, Article 7.
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Katie Ashburn, CRNP, and Shawn Pierce, CNRP, are Vascular Surgery Nurse Practitioners for the outpatient and inpatient practices (respectively). They both assumed their positions in late spring of 2009
What does an average day look like?
Katie: Between the vascular attending physicians and me, we see 40 patients a day in a fast-paced outpatient office. I perform patient history and physicals and develop a plan of care in conjunction with the attendings, to improve patient education and communication. I follow wound care patients and occasionally manage insurance issues. We work closely with the anticoagulation clinic and the hyperbaric treatment center.
Shawn: I work with the vascular team comprised of an intern, a resident, a fellow and Drs. Paul DiMuzio and Joshua Eisenberg. Together we manage patients in surgery as well as on the floor. I work closely with our case manager on more complicated discharge cases. After patients leave, I call to help with questions or complications.
What are your respective backgrounds?
Katie: I worked as a nurse at Jefferson for 5 years, including the Intermediate Surgical Intensive Care Unit for 18 months and the Surgical Intensive Care Unit for 3½ years. I earned my master’s degree at Jefferson during that time.
Shawn: I have been a nurse for 23 years and I taught for 10, so many of the nurses here know me as an instructor. I worked as a critical care “float” RN working in the Intensive Care Units and the Post Anesthesia Care Unit as needed.
Do the two of you work together?
Shawn: We share an office and often confer with each other to improve continuity in patient care. Patients appreciate how well we know them.