Recommended Citation
"JSS Editorial Board & Credits,"
Jefferson Surgical Solutions: Vol. 3:
2, Article 9.
Available at:
Jefferson Surgical Solutions is published by Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
Jefferson Department of Surgery
620 Curtis Building
1015 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Jennifer Brumbaugh, MA, Editor-in-Chief
Alison Rooney and Kathleen Cottrell, Writers
Robert Neroni, Photography
Editorial Board: Volume 3, Issue 1
Hwyda Arafat, MD, PhD
Adam Berger, MD
Cataldo Doria, MD, PhD
Adam Frank, MD
Gerald Isenberg, MD
Robert Larson, MD
John Moore, MD
Scott Silvestry, MD
Robert Solit, MD
Thomas Tulenko, PhD
Charles Yeo, MD
Lara Allan Goldstein
Flo Williams
Information in Surgical Solutions is not intended to provide advice on personal medical matters or to substitute for consultation with a physician.