Becoming an accredited Level II Trauma Center requires an incredible amount of time and effort. At most hospitals, it takes 18 months to implement the necessary infrastructure and coordinate all of the supporting processes. However, administrators at Lankenau Medical Center, in Wynnewood, PA, had a more ambitious goal. They wanted to reach “Trauma Ready” status in just six months, and they came to Jefferson for help getting there. In partnership with Jefferson’s Division of Acute Care Surgery, the new Lankenau Medical Center Trauma Program opened on January 1, 2016.We’ll be undergoing a State survey of the Trauma Program in June and aim to receive Level II accreditation in October of 2016.
Throughout the process, I’ve been impressed with the clinical and administrative resources at Lankenau. And, it’s been rewarding to share Jefferson’s research, clinical and academic expertise. Of course, the ultimate beneficiaries are the people of Lower Merion Township and the surrounding areas in Southern Montgomery and Northern Delaware Counties who now have high-quality trauma care in their community.
Ehyal Shweiki, MD, BS Bioethics, FACS Assistant Professor of Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Medical Director, Lankenau Medical Center Trauma Program
Recommended Citation
"Surgeon Speaks: Ehyal Shweiki, MD, BS Bioethics, FACS,"
Jefferson Surgical Solutions: Vol. 11:
1, Article 2.
Available at:
Ehyal Shweiki, MD, BS Bioethics, FACS
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Medical Director, Lankenau Medical Center Trauma Program