
Collaborative Healthcare: Interprofessional Practice, Education and Evaluation (JCIPE)



• Data supplied by the Office of Institutional Research and drawn from its New Student Survey question “Please identify why you selected Thomas Jefferson University over other institutions.”

• Students given 29 options and asked to select the top three (3) reasons that influenced their decision.

• Five items are generally cited as major reasons that students select Jefferson, including academic reputation, quality of faculty, campus location, affiliation with Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and clinical opportunities available.

• Despite the above consistent (and expected/desired) reasons and the change in question format to require students to select only their top three reasons for coming to Jefferson (vs. selecting all that apply), “Availability to work with interprofessional teams” remained as the eighth (8th) most important reason for selecting Jefferson for all student respondents (2015 n = 551).

• This option consistently ranks within the top 10 reasons cited by students for selecting their program at Jefferson.
