
Collaborative Healthcare: Interprofessional Practice, Education and Evaluation (JCIPE)



Spring is a time to celebrate the outcomes of dedicated efforts throughout the academic year. We at Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice & Education (JCIPE) encourage you to celebrate together with those in other professions. Not only is it important to come together in our work, but it is just as important to come together to recognize each other’s achievements—to desilo our celebrations! At JCIPE, we are taking steps to celebrate more collaboratively too. Each spring, JCIPE bestows the James B. Erdmann Awards for Excellence in Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice to members of the Jefferson community for outstanding contributions to interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPE/CP). Previously, awardees were recognized in separate ceremonies at their respective colleges. This year, JCIPE was proud to honor awardees together in the first annual JCIPE Recognition Ceremony. The inaugural in-person interprofessional event also recognized over 100 program facilitators representing 20+ professions who each contributed one to 60+ hours to support IPE at Jefferson this year. We were grateful to connect with the interprofessional community in this culminating gathering! In the spirit of interprofessional connection, JCIPE’s Director of Assessment, Evaluation & Research was selected to participate in the Interprofessional Global Summer Research Planning Summit in April. The Planning Summit hosted IPE/CP researchers, content experts, educators, and practitioners from across the globe, together at Winston-Salem State University, North Carolina. The two-day event initiated the development of a summer IPE/ CP research institute, launched an ongoing virtual collaboration to realize this initiative, and established new interprofessional and international connections.
