"Should Hypopharynx Cancer Continue to be Included in “Multi-Head and Neck” Trials within the RTOG?" by R. Den, Q. Zhang et al.


Purpose/Objective(s): It is becoming increasingly evident that the behavior of cancers from different subsites of the head and neck varies greatly despite similar histologic appearance. As current head and neck trials are focusing more on a risk-based approach, it is unclear into which trials patients with hypopharyngeal primaries (HP) should be included. Thus, we undertook to examine whether patients with HP perform as well as oropharyngeal primaries (OP) in the definitive setting and whether HP perform as well as larynx primaries (LX) in the post-operative setting in the multi-institutional setting. American Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 52nd Annual Meeting October 31 - November 4, San Diego, CA

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