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Academic Year



Purpose: According to the National Institutes of Health, severe sepsis strikes more than one million Americans every year. Despite the extensive research that has gone into creating the different risk stratification tools for sepsis, there is still a fifteen to thirty percent mortality rate among patients diagnosed with sepsis. We believe this is due to a lack of robust education and training of medical students in sepsis identification, and thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the extent of training and education of medical students in the identification and treatment of sepsis.

Methods: This study is aimed at the first-year residents at emergency medicine programs nationwide. Using the Qualtrics software available on the Thomas Jefferson University commons, we created a twenty-one question survey that collected data on knowledge, skills, and attitudes of first-year residents towards sepsis diagnosis and treatment, based on what they have formally learned in medical school. Thus far, we are continuing to collect data. Once data has been collected, we will undergo quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Results and Conclusions: As of writing this abstract, we continue to collect data due to unforeseen circumstances. We will soon have data that can be analyzed. We believe the data will show a lack of robust curriculum at medical schools nationwide for the training of medical students in the diagnosing and treatment of sepsis. If this is proven true, programs can be created to add sepsis curriculum to formal medical education.


