

Earlier this year Bora Zivkovic, a science blogger from "A Blog Around the Clock," gave the keynote presentation on open science as part of a panel discussion at Columbia University. The talk titled "Open Science: Good for Research, Good for Researchers?" gave a historical overview of the transition of scientific communication, from print to online and where this evolution is headed. The next phase, Zickovic explains, encompasses real-time scientific discovery as the scientific communication process moves away from journals toward sharable scientific ideas. Open science might include pre-prints, open notebook science, and, increasingly, video. Video, in particular, allows sharing, not just the results, but the entire scientific process, allowing people to replicate and learn techniques more effectively than through traditional communication. Open science is, in short, fast, free and effective. You can see the video from Zivkovic's talk at http://scholcomm.columbia.edu/past-events. In the meantime, here are several emerging websites that specialize in scientific video sharing.
