Patient-Centered Cardiac Risk Communication in Primary Care: A Pilot Study

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Dr. Marianna LaNoue

Dr. Manisha Verma

Dr. Geoffrey Mills


Effective risk communication has been shown to carry several benefits to patient care. This study, done with the patient population of Thomas Jefferson University’s Family Medical Associates, asks participants about their preference for risk communication, focusing primarily in the context of cardiac risk assessment. This study will focus on the patient’s view of risk assessment communication. They will be asked if they would be interested in knowing their own risks for cardiac disease, their understanding of “risk”, the Framingham Risk Assessment, and how they will use the information. Focus groups were formed, first screened for participant Framingham risk scores. Questionnaires were given to participants, to collect sensitive demographics and health history data, prior to the focus group. Participants were also given the REALM-SF, to assess their health literacy. Overall, participants showed a willingness to learn, and a willingness to change. Participants viewed the idea of being told of their risks favorably. The word itself motivates them to have a desire for change. Having more personalized conversations with their physicians leads to a better relationship, and better understanding of the patient’s health, by both the patient, and the primary care physician. The department of Jefferson Family and Community medicine should invest in further studies to find the best way to implement this practice in their office.

Presentation: 23 minutes
