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Written for DSL 705 Enabling Information Technologies and Strategies

DSL 705 Enabling Information Technologies and Strategies is designed to challenge the traditional wisdom that IT strategy should respond to business demands and must be set up to support the chosen business model and strategy. Participants are called upon to think systematically about conditions in which modern technology can support business strategy and those in which technology platform strategy shapes the business strategy itself. This course designed to be highly interactive, project-based, and team-oriented. Through group discussions, participants will examine how digital technologies such as AI, advanced analytics, cloud computing, crowdsourcing, and cybersecurity help companies to become powerful global brands. This will include examining three phases of digital transformation, understand the opportunities and pressures from digital shifts, how to navigate in dynamic ecosystems, create new capabilities to deliver new business value, and to identity and integrate emerging technologies in the core business model.


Simply put, most organizations do not know how to approach the incorporation of AI into their businesses, and few are knowledgeable enough to understand which concepts are applicable to their business models. Doing nothing and waiting is not an option: Mahidar and Davenport (2018) argue that companies that try to play catch-up will ultimately lose to those who invested and began learning early. But how do we bridge the gap between skepticism and adoption? We propose a toolkit, inclusive of people, processes, and technologies, to help companies with discovery and readiness to start their AI journey. Our toolkit will deliver specific and actionable answers to the operative question: What can AI do for you?


