
Thomas Jefferson University Research Magazine



“Creating healthy cities is perhaps the great challenge of this century, and the move to smart cities gives us the opportunity to make health a part of every neighborhood, every block,” observes Stephen K. Klasko, MD, MBA, president of Thomas Jefferson University and CEO of Jefferson Health. “We can now diagnose what's wrong in urban life and find solutions in real time."

The Institute for Smart and Healthy Cities was launched in 2020 to support multidisciplinary research, innovation and education on the transformation of urban environments into more efficient, healthier and livable cities. A collaborative initiative of the College of Architecture & the Built Environment, the College of Population Health and Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce, the Institute Participants of a recent Institute-sponsored project developed a vision for a public transit hub at Sheba Medical Center. Toward Smarter, Healthier Cities is catalyzing learning, exploration and technology development partnerships across the University—and with businesses, nonprofit organizations and public agencies. It represents Jefferson’s intention to drive convergence of the myriad fields of knowledge necessary for effectively addressing the complex challenges that cities face in coming decades.

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