Start Date

5-3-2024 9:10 AM

End Date

5-3-2024 11:00 AM



  • The opioid epidemic continues as a public health emergency
  • Pregnant women with OUD face multiple forms of marginalization and stigma based on the complex interplay of their various social identities
  • OUD education and training among healthcare providers, particularly nurses, who are frontline clinicians in treating perinatal OUD, are lacking and leave the workforce unprepared and under-resourced to effectively support pregnant persons with OUD


nursing education, maternal opioid use disorder, stigma, health equity, pregnancy, perinatal care


Presented at the 2024 Jefferson Health Equity and Quality Improvement (HEQI) Summit.


May 3rd, 9:10 AM May 3rd, 11:00 AM

Limited Education and Training for Inpatient Nurses Caring for Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorder


  • The opioid epidemic continues as a public health emergency
  • Pregnant women with OUD face multiple forms of marginalization and stigma based on the complex interplay of their various social identities
  • OUD education and training among healthcare providers, particularly nurses, who are frontline clinicians in treating perinatal OUD, are lacking and leave the workforce unprepared and under-resourced to effectively support pregnant persons with OUD