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Advisor: R Diecidue, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA


Tobacco use remains one of the leading causes of preventable disease across the nation and is often attributable to negative oral health outcomes. Studies have demonstrated that dental settings offer effective platforms for implementation of tobacco cessation programs. Using an urban university’s Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, this project sought to evaluate the extent to which tobacco cessation counseling, education, and resources were provided and documented during patient visits. The goal of this project was to compare the tobacco cessation protocol used to the national guidelines supported by the American Dental Association and outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Cessation Control Programs advocate provider use of the 5 A’s when treating tobacco-using patients, which consist of the following: Ask each patient about tobacco-use at each visit, Advise tobacco-using patients to quit, Assess tobacco-using patients’ interest in quitting, Assist tobacco-using patients through counseling, prescription of medication, and setting a target quit date, Arrange for follow-up. This study examined patient records from August 2013 to March 2014, and selected current and former tobacco-using patients. Clinician interviews were performed to determine if tobacco cessation education/counseling documentation accurately reflects Departmental clinical procedure. After collecting 270 tobacco-using patient records, tobacco cessation education/counseling were fully documented in only 19 instances, representing just 7 percent of the total tobacco-using patients sampled. From the information gathered during the interview process, it was determined that tobacco intervention documentation practices do not accurately reflect clinician treatment behavior, and improvements in documentation practice will enhance Departmental cessation protocol. It is recommended that the Department enhance the quantity and quality of tobacco cessation intervention documentation to bring Departmental protocol in line with Best Practice guidelines.

Presentation: 24 minutes
